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Saturday, June 4, 2011


So tomorrow Clinton is coming home from his week long Fishing Trip to Missouri........which means this will be the last night of JUST VEGGIES on the grill for dinner!  LOL  Although he likes grilled veggies....atleast some of them....I don't think he would let me get away with JUST VEGGIES!!  Asparagus, mini sweet bell peppers, mini bella shrooms and what was left over of a large green bell pepper.  We'd never had the minis bells before, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect as far as seeds go and I didn't want to spend the time to cut up these little cuties.  Lucky for us they had just 4 teeny tiny seeds at the very top by the stem...which you don't eat!  Worked out beautifully.  I still have a half pack of these mini  bells and was thinking about stuffing them before they go on the grill....anybody have any good ideas for that????

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